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House Show SmackDown Brisbane 02/08

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Messages : 9898
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2009
Age : 28
Devise : Force et Honneur
Sam 7 Aoû 2010 - 3:04
C'est en anglais, je modifierais si j'ai en francais ..

Royal for the Brisbane Cup was the first match. Particapents were: Big
Show, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Christian, Matt Hardy, Chavo
Guerrero, Drew McIntyre, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes, Alberto Delrio, The Hart
Dynasty, MVP and Jack Swagger. A very funny match. Big Show was
attacked by all the wrestlers at the start and he threw them off of him.
Ended with Big Show eliminating Swagger.

Kelly Kelly vs Women's Champion Layla for the title. Very sexy match,
but a bit short. Layla got the win by doing her finisher, whatever the
hell it is.

MVP vs Alberto Del Rio. Boring match. Del Rio started talking in Spanish
before the match and the crowd did the, "What!?" chant. He then
insulted the Aussie's in saying he and them have something in common, he
can't understand them either. Alberto won by doing some sort of
submission hold.

The Hart Dynasty (Yeah, that's right) vs Joey Mercury & Luke
Gallows. The crowd were very behind this one. SES tried to encourage the
crowd to join the SES, but it didn't work. Ended with The Hart Attack
to Mercury.


Dolph Ziggler defends his I-C title against Kofi Kingston, Christian and
Matt Hardy. The crowd were cheering for Kofi, Matt and Christian. I
started cheering for the referee. Great 4 Way, the fans were really
behind it. Matt Hardy with the biggest reaction of the night so far.
Ended with Matt Hardy doing a TOF to I think Kofi, but Dolph threw out
Matt and pinned Kofi.

Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio. The match started but Swagger walked away.
The crowd were chanting, "Loser!!" to Swagger. I went for Swagger in
this match because I can't stand Rey Mysterio. Swagger slid back into
the ring at the 9 count. They had a great match. The crowd were behind
it. Ended with Rey giving the 619.

Main Event: Kane defends against Big Show. Did Kane turn heel? He acted
like a heel during the match. Pretty boring main event to be honest.
Ended with a distraction by Swagger, and Kane hitting Show with the
World Title, then hitting him with a HUGE chokeslam. Aftermath: Swagger
locks in the Ankle Lock on Show while Kane watches. Rey Mysterio runs
out and attacks Swagger, then Kane grabs Rey by the throat. Show stands
up and attacks Kane, then Rey attacks Swagger. Rey trips Swagger and
Kane to the ropes, and hits a 619 to them both. Big Show starts talking
about his friendship with Rey, and his love for Australia.

Biggest Heel Reactions:


Jack Swagger

Alberto Delrio


Biggest Face Reactions:

Rey Mysterio

Big Show

Matt Hardy

The Hart Dynasty

Membre de la secte de l'amour
Messages : 40661
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2010
Age : 27
Devise : Te aroha ia rahi
Membre de la secte de l'amour
Dim 8 Aoû 2010 - 12:40
Un Fatal 4 Way pour l'IC <3
Kane vs The Big Show ? non

Carte digne d'un House Show ok
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